We Offer Specialized Service

Doctors To Meet Your Needs

Online Consultation

Every time you go to visit your doctor, you have to travel to get there. With an online consultation, you don’t need to wait for the bus or get gas for your car. You simply go on the internet and begin your consultation.

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Online Prescription

There are often occasions when you can get your prescription with just an online consultation or medical advice with a doctor. In particular, contraceptives and many types of allergy medication can be prescribed by a doctor from online.

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Audio & video consultation

Here we are offering 2 Consultation modes to the patient to exchange health data information via Audio and Video Consultation to get a medical assistant.

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Medicine Delivery

Medicine delivery must enable all citizens to access health care services, and the services must be cost-effective and meet certain established standards of quality.



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Enrolled Doctors



Years Experience



Delivery all over the world

Doctor's Registraton

Deliver Medicine Online

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